Preheat to 800°F (allow at least 20 minutes) and wait for the stone to reach at least 750°F (use IR gun and measure stone temperature in three spots)
Stretch dough to 12 inches or your desired size, on a lightly floured surface
Before dressing the pizza, brush off as much flour as possible from the dough (top or bottom).
Transfer the dough to a lightly floured pizza peel (try to minimize this as excess flour will burn the bottom of your pizza), and then top with crushed tomatoes, leaving a 1/2 inch border, and add mozzarella chunks. Give the pizza a few shakes throughout this process to ensure it's not sticking.
To prevent the pizza from sticking on the peel: (1) Make sure your wood peel is completely dry and rub flour INTO the peel, keeping very minimal flour on top. (2) If you are new to this, please minimize the toppings as they make the pizza more challenging to transfer.
If the pizza sticks: (1) you can try carefully lifting an edge, throwing a bit of flour under it, and then shaking the pizza on the peel. (2) Ooni also suggests lifting the edge and blowing under the pizza to create air pockets (I haven't tried this yet).
Increase the oven temperature to 850°F to get the top heating element fired up and wait 30 seconds for the element to glow red hot.
Launch the pizza using a pizza peel (I like to use a wooden peel to launch and a metal peel to retrieve it) with the door open and leave the door ajar. Cook for 30 to 45 seconds, rotate 180 degrees, and bake for 30 to 45 seconds until charred.
Remove the pizza, and add basil and olive oil. Rest for 1 to 2 minutes before cutting.